Cape Kitty Rescue
Send donations to
Cape Kitty Rescue
971 Kings Way
Coldspring TX 77331
:capekittyrescue@yahoo.Visit us on Faceboo:
Cape Kitty Rescue
a 501(c)3 organization
or use PayPal
Contact us

Cape Kitty Rescue is funded primarily through the generosity of people who care about cats and/or who care about life in the Cape.
Donations provide
Spay/Neuter and rabies shots for adult cats, as well as any needed medical treatment
Worming, shots, check-ups for kittens, as well as adoption fees paid to partner agencies
Food for cats of Cape Kitty Village.
Donations are used 100% for the cats.
The support shown by these donations, and our 501(c)3 status has enabled to apply for, and be awarded some corporate and charitable grants. These grants have enabled us to reach out to cats outside the Cape and offer spay services in an effort to decrease the number of unwanted kittens born. We have also provided neuter services to cats at risk of losing their homes due to behavior.
You can donate through PayPal
Cape Kitty Rescue
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